2023.03.14 18:32 GMT+8

Jingjing's vlog: How does China revitalize its rural regions?

Updated 2023.03.14 22:18 GMT+8
By Li Jingjing

Nearly 100 million people in China were lifted out of absolute poverty by the end of 2020, which is a remarkable achievement in human history. But China would not just stop there.

China's ambition is to completely revitalize rural regions and build a modern socialist country in all respects. To achieve that, the government is not only trying to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, preventing people from falling back into poverty, but it will also devote more efforts to rural revitalization.

On January 2, China released its No.1 Central Document of 2023, which indicated the priority of its policies. It focuses on rural issues again for the 20th consecutive year. Improving agriculture, rural regions, and the livelihood of people in rural regions are key tasks of this central document.

In this vlog, CGTN reporter Li Jingjing explains how rural revitalization is a key task for China and how deputies to the National People's Congress are making efforts toward this goal.

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