Live: Iraq 20 years on
Live:  Iraq 20 years on

On March 20th, 2003, the United States and its allies invaded Iraq. The alleged weapons of mass destruction that were the pretext for the war did not exist. Twenty years after the invasion, what did Iraq get out of this? And what stands between Iraq and post-war reconstruction? CGTN presents a special program – “Iraq 20 years on”. We hear from our correspondents in Baghdad and Mosul on the current situation there and our guests discuss the challenges to rebuilding a shattered country.

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Live: Iraq 20 years on

On March 20th, 2003, the United States and its allies invaded Iraq. The alleged weapons of mass destruction that were the pretext for the war did not exist. Twenty years after the invasion, what did Iraq get out of this? And what stands between Iraq and post-war reconstruction? CGTN presents a special program – “Iraq 20 years on”. We hear from our correspondents in Baghdad and Mosul on the current situation there and our guests discuss the challenges to rebuilding a shattered country.