2023.03.22 15:37 GMT+8

World Water Day: China to build a harmonious symbiosis of humans and water

Updated 2023.03.22 15:37 GMT+8


March 22nd is the 31st World Water Day. This World Water Day is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis.

Chinese believe that water is the source of all things. First of all, let's take a look at the word "shui," meaning "water" in English. The earliest Chinese character for "water," which appears in the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC– 1045 BC) oracle bone script, looks like a stream of water flowing along a vein, and its original meaning is a river.

This year, China will further promote the recovery of the "mother river" to build a harmonious symbiosis of humans and water.

"This baby bird hatching from its egg, and there are two of them," said Lu Xiuming, a staff member of the Yellow River Delta Ecological Monitoring Center.

"Within ten days of birth, the oriental white stork takes turns to feed their baby with some aquatic food such as small fish and shrimps. The nature reserve has sufficient water to provide food for them, which also ensures the nurturing of them during the breeding period," she added.

The Yellow River is the "mother river" of the Chinese people and has nurtured Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years. Due to ecological protection and restoration, the Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve has become the world's most important breeding site for oriental white storks. Millions of birds also migrate and overwinter here every year, making it the most well-preserved and extensive wetland ecosystem in the warm temperate zone of China.

On April 1, China will issue the Yellow River Protection Law. This law is developed for the purposes of strengthening the protection of the ecology and environment of the Yellow River basin, guaranteeing the safety of the Yellow River, promoting the conservation and intensive utilization of water resources, driving high-quality development, protecting, inheriting, and promoting the Yellow River culture, and realizing the harmonious coexistence between man and nature and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.

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