Live: Will hegemony of the U.S. dollar be challenged?
Live: Will hegemony of the U.S. dollar be challenged?

For a very long time, the U.S. dollar has enjoyed absolute dominance in global trade and reserves. However, more and more countries are seeking alternatives to the U.S. dollar. Is the increasing use of local currencies in global settlements the beginning of the decline of the U.S. dollar's hegemony? Will the U.S. dollar further depreciate against the RMB this year? CGTN anchor Kate Kui invites Kaifeng Investment HK CEO Gao Bin to discuss the future of RMB internationalization and the outlook for global macroeconomics in the second half of 2023. 

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Live: Will hegemony of the U.S. dollar be challenged?

For a very long time, the U.S. dollar has enjoyed absolute dominance in global trade and reserves. However, more and more countries are seeking alternatives to the U.S. dollar. Is the increasing use of local currencies in global settlements the beginning of the decline of the U.S. dollar's hegemony? Will the U.S. dollar further depreciate against the RMB this year? CGTN anchor Kate Kui invites Kaifeng Investment HK CEO Gao Bin to discuss the future of RMB internationalization and the outlook for global macroeconomics in the second half of 2023.