2023.04.09 20:41 GMT+8

Hezbollah, Hamas leaders meet on Al-Aqsa mosque incident

Updated 2023.04.09 21:58 GMT+8

Palestinians perform morning prayers by the Al-Asbat Gate as Israeli police again raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, April 5, 2023. /CFP

Leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah group Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has met with Hamas leader Ismail Haniya in Lebanon and discussed issues including the Al-Aqsa mosque incident and "the intensification of resistance in the West Bank and Gaza," according to a Hezbollah statement issued on Sunday. 

Haniya has been in the Lebanese capital Beirut since Wednesday, but the statement did not specify when they met or the exact location of the meeting. 

Israel on Thursday (March 6) accused Hamas, a Palestinian armed movement ruling the Gaza Strip, of firing 34 rockets towards northern Israel from Lebanon.

About 25 rockets were intercepted by Israel's aerial defense systems, while five landed inside Israel, according to the Israeli military.

It was one of the worst rocket attacks in northern Israel since a full-fledged war between Israel and Hezbollah, an Iran-backed Lebanese group in Lebanon, in 2006.

Israel's army then retaliated early Friday with strikes on both southern Lebanon and Gaza, after rockets targeting Israel were also fired from the coastal enclave.

Earlier in the week, clashes were reported at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, a flashpoint holy site in Jerusalem's Old City, as Israeli police fired gas canisters and stun grenades at Palestinian worshipers who they said barricaded themselves in the mosque. 

(With input from agencies)

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