2023.04.09 18:06 GMT+8

Iranian delegation to visit Saudi Arabia to prepare embassy reopening

Updated 2023.04.09 21:39 GMT+8

An Iranian technical delegation will visit Saudi Arabia this week to prepare for the embassy reopening, Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) reported Sunday.

"The Iranian technical delegation will visit Tehran's embassy in Riyadh and make arrangements for the reopening of Iran's embassy in Saudi Arabia," said the report. 

The Saudi foreign ministry had said on Saturday that officials had headed to Iran to discuss procedures for reopening Riyadh's diplomatic missions in the Islamic Republic. 

"The Saudi delegation visited the Saudi embassy in Tehran this morning," ISNA added.

During the stay, the Saudi delegation will also evaluate the situation for the reopening of the Saudi consulate general in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad.

It came days after the two countries signed an agreement in Beijing for resuming diplomatic relations. They have also agreed to reopen embassies and missions within two months.

Read more:

Saudi Arabia, Iran sign agreement for resuming diplomatic relations

Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic ties with Iran in early 2016 in response to attacks on Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran after the kingdom executed a Shiite cleric.

(With input from Reuters)

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