2023.05.05 18:57 GMT+8

U.S. is turning Taiwan into a 'powder keg': Mainland spokesperson

Updated 2023.05.05 18:57 GMT+8

The Chinese mainland always opposes the U.S. arms sales to the Taiwan region as it seriously violates the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiques, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Friday.

Recently, the U.S. and Taiwan region have been increasing their military ties, and a group of twenty-five U.S. arms dealers visited Taiwan to hold a "defense forum" with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities, once again demonstrating that the U.S. is turning Taiwan into a "powder keg" and the victims are the compatriots in Taiwan, Mao said.

Representatives of various sectors and groups in Taiwan protest against the U.S. arms sales to Taiwan in Taipei, China's Taiwan region, May 3, 2023. /CFP

"In this regard, the attitude of our compatriots in Taiwan is very clear," Mao said, noting that representatives of various sectors and groups in Taiwan chanted slogans near the forum venue, opposing "soliciting the U.S. support for independence, bring(ing) a wolf into the house", and calling for "one China across the Taiwan Straits and peace in the Taiwan Straits".

The DPP authorities should listen to the voices of Taiwan compatriots and immediately stop selling out the fundamental interests of Taiwan compatriots for their own selfish interests, she said.

The spokesperson urged the U.S. side to stop arms sales to and military contact with Taiwan, stop creating factors that could lead to tensions in the Taiwan Straits.

Mao vowed that any external forces that interfere in China's internal affairs and undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits must take the responsibility and pay the price for their wrong actions. 

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