2023.05.16 18:06 GMT+8

Eritrean leader's China visit to bolster ties with Africa

Updated 2023.05.16 18:06 GMT+8
Adhere Cavince

Chinese President Xi Jinping holds talks with President Isaias Afwerki of the State of Eritrea at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, May 15, 2023. /Xinhua

Editor's note: Adhere Cavince is a scholar of international relations with a focus on China-Africa cooperation. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily those of CGTN. 

Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki is in Beijing for a state visit on the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping. The visit marks another indication of deepening China-Africa cooperation, as both sides seek to hone mutually beneficial and durable development cooperation outcomes.

Since establishment of diplomatic ties 30 years ago, China and Eritrea have enjoyed cordial and productive ties, leading to elevation of the cooperation to a strategic partnership in 2022.

A look at the delegation of President Afwerki indicates the key issues that Eritrea would like to discuss with the Chinese leadership. Among them are trade, industry, finance and national development. Many of these issues take center stage in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which Eritrea joined in 2021. The BRI is an enduring framework of international cooperation, with the aim of consolidating lasting development for participating countries and their populations, supported through trade, policy coordination, financial inclusion, infrastructure construction, and cultural exchanges.

China presents many opportunities for Eritrea's socioeconomic transformation as seen from some of its past successful experiences. For the last two decades, China-Eritrea health cooperation has produced commendable results. China helped Eritrea to put up the largest and most modern hospital. Similarly, 15 Chinese medical teams have worked alongside Eritrean counterparts since 1997, providing quality care to the population while jointly building stronger national health systems.

In the last decade, China-Eritrea cooperation on agriculture has seen much fusion of Chinese agricultural technologies, knowledge and crop varieties into the Eritrean food systems. The partnership promises to foster food and nutrition security which are important components of poverty alleviation.

Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki arrived in Beijing for a state visit to China, May 14, 2023. /CFP

The partnership with China has also led to infrastructure upgrades, particularly in the special economic zones between Massawa and Assab waterfronts. Chinese companies have also invested in Eritrea's mining, transportation and communication sectors.

The two countries have just signed the Executive Program 2023-2026 to enhance cooperation on culture, art, sports, education and the press. This opens new ground for human capital development, intercultural amity, sports diplomacy and media synergy between China and Eritrea. Strengthening human resources is a key plank in Eritrea's attempt to transition itself into a knowledge-based economy.

In turn, Eritrea also presents many opportunities for development partners. The country's geostrategic location makes it an important gateway to Africa, the Middle East and Europe. It can help China gain access to the world's most important trade routes and enter those markets.

Eritrea is also home to natural resources such as gold, copper, zinc, and potash, whose successful exploitation can spawn industries and create wealth for both countries. Continued implementation of the BRI in Eritrea will benefit the whole of Africa as more transport avenues are opened up while production sectors are strengthened.

Beyond bilateral ties, China-Eritrea cooperation can also be a force for good in dealing with regional and global issues. Eritrea is one of the Horn countries with a stable government and politics. This is particularly important, given the kind of internal fragilities witnessed in a number of neighboring countries. Many countries, including China, recently evacuated their nationals following the military conflict in Sudan, through Eritrea.

A partnership with China can help Eritrea play a stabilization role in the Horn of Africa through implementation of innovative approaches like the Global Security Initiative. As a member of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, Eritrea provides a possible partnership for China to share its governance experience on how to manage conflicts, while promoting sustainable development through the entire Horn of Africa.

Globally, Eritrea has been a victim of long-standing hostility from some countries which have placed crippling sanctions on the country's economy. The same countries even see the deepening relationship between Beijing and Asmara as antithetical to their foreign policy pursuits in the Horn of Africa. As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, China's voice on global justice for developing countries like Eritrea is critical.

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