Watch: Green development - a shared future
Updated 14:42, 19-May-2023
Watch: Green development - a shared future

Asian Development Bank has forecast that growth of developing economies across Asia and the Pacific is projected to accelerate this year and next. Still, climate change and global fracturing remain persistent challenges. Asia will need to scale up green investment in strategic priority areas to unlock long-term growth potential. Join us with Guan Xin, we invite Albert Park, chief economist of Asian Development Bank and He Ping, associate dean of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University to discuss China's green development path and the transition to greener and more sustainable growth in China and Asia-Pacific at large. 

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Watch: Green development - a shared future
Updated 14:42, 19-May-2023

Asian Development Bank has forecast that growth of developing economies across Asia and the Pacific is projected to accelerate this year and next. Still, climate change and global fracturing remain persistent challenges. Asia will need to scale up green investment in strategic priority areas to unlock long-term growth potential. Join us with Guan Xin, we invite Albert Park, chief economist of Asian Development Bank and He Ping, associate dean of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University to discuss China's green development path and the transition to greener and more sustainable growth in China and Asia-Pacific at large.