Editor's note: The "Indo-Pacific" and "economic security" are being featured as separate topics for the first time at the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan. The move is considered to be backing the U.S. intent to target China. CGTN Opinions, collaborating with special commentator Danny Haiphong, conducted an interview with George Galloway, leader of the Workers Party of Britain and former British Member of Parliament, who shared his opinions on the topic. The views expressed in the video are his own and not necessarily those of CGTN.
The G7 summit starts on May 19 in Hiroshima, Japan. Recently, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that there would be investment curbs proposed to the G7 against China. There's been a threatening of expansion of sanctions by the EU on China as well. But some European leaders, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, have stressed strategic autonomy and independence from the U.S. in its position on China.
Danny Haiphong: What is your take on the divides between Europe and the U.S.? And do you feel like this unity against China is real or fake?
George Galloway: The G7, as you imply, just like the EU and NATO, are divided over the issue of China. The NATO spokesman said that NATO is not preparing joint military plans to deal with China. I quote "only some members of the alliance are doing that," which on one level was alarming enough that NATO should reveal that some members of the alliance are doing so, but also revealing that some of them don't want anything to do with that. We'll see what the G7 actually decides.
But the EU is divided, NATO is divided, the G7 is divided. We are talking about countries whose economies are completely on the floor. I've been in several European capitals in the last few weeks, and I'm genuinely sorry to tell you that Europe is falling if it has not already fallen.
Danny Haiphong: I want your take on this new word being used by European officials. They don't want to say "decoupling" from China; now they're saying "de-risking." What's your take on this term "de-risking"?
George Galloway: I am afraid that changing "decoupling" to "de-risking" is if anything even more insulting to China. Either way you dice it, dealing with China is the least risky thing you could possibly do with your money and your business. China's economy is vaulting forward. It will have at least four times the rate of growth of the U.S.'s economy this year and five times the rate of growth of many of the European economies.
The Western economies are dependent on China. If China stopped exporting its products to us, there would be riots on every street in the so-called Western world because all the things that we need to live are coming from China. China holds all the cards and that's what the U.S. is afraid of. They want China on its knees, a China that is standing up and increasingly towering over them is exactly the China they don't want to see.
Danny Haiphong: Speaking of cards, it feels like there are several countries in the Asia-Pacific region playing certain cards with the U.S. right now. There have been talks in the Western media of a trilateral military alliance between the U.S., Japan and South Korea, ostensibly to curb the "nuclear threats" with the DPRK. What do you make of this development?
George Galloway: Trying to yoke Japan and South Korea into a war alliance against China will be a very tough task. It is exceedingly worrying to people like me with a long memory of what it means to have Japan armed and encouraged to rediscover militarism again. I am sure China has a very close eye on what's happening in Japan.
I call on the people of Japan to reject this path. Japan was devastated and could have been destroyed in nuclear conflict. Please don't court it again because that's what the United States will have you do.
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