2023.05.25 14:24 GMT+8

Juicy Lingshui lychees savored by foodies

Updated 2023.05.25 14:24 GMT+8

This year's Lychee Culture Festival was held in Lingshui, south China's Hainan earlier this month. Activities including a lychee tasting fair, a lychee banquet and a lychee exhibition drew many people's attention. Multiple enterprises signed deals on site, with a total order volume of over 7,500 tons. Due to its local climate conditions, Lingshui grows lychees that taste juicy and ripen early, savored by foodies from across China.

Lingshui lychees taste juicy and are savored by foodies from across China. /Photo provided to CGTN

Lingshui lychees taste juicy and are savored by foodies from across China. /Photo provided to CGTN

Lingshui lychees taste juicy and are savored by foodies from across China. /Photo provided to CGTN

Farmers harvest ripe lychees in Lingshui, Hainan. /Photo provided to CGTN

Lingshui lychees taste juicy and are savored by foodies from across China. /Photo provided to CGTN

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