2023.06.10 16:13 GMT+8

Water lily blooms in full splendor

Updated 2023.06.10 16:13 GMT+8

Water lilies planted in the Lotus Garden are in full bloom in Changzhou, Jiangsu, on June 4, 2023. /CNSPhoto

Water lilies planted in the Lotus Garden are in full bloom in Changzhou, Jiangsu, on June 4, 2023. /CNSPhoto

Water lilies planted in the Lotus Garden are in full bloom in Changzhou, Jiangsu, on June 4, 2023. /CNSPhoto

Water lilies planted in the Lotus Garden are in full bloom in Changzhou, Jiangsu, on June 4, 2023. /CNSPhoto

Water lilies planted in the Lotus Garden, a popular lotus-viewing spot in Changzhou City, Jiangsu, draw throngs of visitors with their colorful splendor during their blooming period.

The water lily (Nymphaea) is an ornamental plant cherished for its attractive flowers and distinctive floating leaves. Apart from its aesthetic value, the flower holds cultural and symbolic significance in various traditions.

In Buddhism, water lilies, particularly the lotus flower, hold great symbolic value. The lotus is revered as a sacred flower that represents purity, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. 

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