Tracking the Gibbon | Episode 2: Gibbon chaser

Having spotted the black-crested gibbon, they are about to start the day's work. Every five minutes, Xiong records information about its position, eating and behavior. Everything related to the gibbons will be documented thoroughly. When they get down to the ground or try to grab bird eggs, videos or images are required. This is the routine of every gibbon chaser. Xiong is no exception. Growing up in the Wuliang Mountains, he thought that he could quickly nail the gibbons. When he started chasing, however, he failed over and over again.

For more

Tracking the Gibbon | Episode 1: Following the sound

About Journeys in Nature: Tracking the Gibbon

The western black-crested gibbon, which lives in southwest China's Yunnan Province, Laos and Vietnam, is a critically endangered species in the country. More people become interested in the species as China pays greater attention to animal protection. Follow our "Journeys in Nature" series to learn more about the gibbon family in the deep forest.

(Cover image a still from a video shot by CGTN Nature's film crew)

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