Chinese premier calls for closer China-Germany cooperation
Updated 23:13, 20-Jun-2023

Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Tuesday called for closer China-Germany cooperation and elevating bilateral relations to a new level, so as to better serve the development of the two countries and inject more positive energy and stability into the world.

Li made the remarks when meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin.

Li noted that President Xi Jinping had in-depth exchanges with Scholz during his visit to China last November, charting the direction for the future development of China-Germany relations.

As influential countries, China and Germany, who are credible and reliable partners on the road to modernization, should work more closely together, said Li.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 51 years ago, China and Germany have continued to deepen dialogue and cooperation in the spirit of mutual respect and mutual benefit, forged an all-round strategic partnership, and jointly promoted the sound and steady development of China-EU relations, he said.

Going through more than half a century of development, economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has achieved remarkable results, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples, Li noted.

The Chinese premier expressed his hope that the German side will continue to maintain an open mind, adhere to independence, and properly manage relevant issues on the basis of international rules and the spirit of contract.

He called on the two sides to improve the level of facilitation of personnel exchanges to strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries. 

The Chinese side proposes tackling climate change as one of the guiding principles for China-Germany cooperation in the future, Li said, urging to promote cooperation in green technology and industry, and explore the establishment of a rational and orderly division of labor in the green energy industry chain.

For his part, Scholz said the German side welcomes China's development and prosperity, which is conducive to world peace and stability.

Germany rejects all forms of decoupling and "de-risking" is not "de-sinicization," he said.

He also pledged that Germany is committed to developing stable relations with China, and is willing to further strengthen bilateral exchanges, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and forge more consensus for cooperation in addressing climate change and boosting green development, among others.

Germany supports two-way investment and will provide a sound business environment for Chinese enterprises to invest in the country, he said.  

Li is on an official visit to Germany. He held talks with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin on Monday and attended a seminar with representatives of the German business community later the same day.

He will also hold the seventh China-Germany inter-governmental consultation.

(With input from Xinhua)

(Cover via CFP)

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