2023.06.26 15:26 GMT+8

China's audit office releases 2022 check-up report on economy

Updated 2023.06.26 17:17 GMT+8

China's National Audit Office released its 2022 audit report, referred to as the annual "economic checkup", on Monday.

Key findings include a budget deficit of 2.65 trillion yuan ($367 billion), in line with budget projections, and government investments of 640 billion yuan in areas such as food security, energy security, and supply chain development.

The audit results indicated that the overall budget execution of the central departments was relatively consistent in 2022. However, issues including violations of departmental authority or industry resources for illegal profit, and soliciting fees were identified among affiliated units. These offences amounted to a total of 619 million yuan.

The report also identified several counts of misconduct by local enterprises. The audit office said that any instances of misconduct or illegal behavior identified in the audit will be further investigated by relevant authorities and rectified accordingly. The audit office pledged to follow up on the rectification and reporting by the end of 2023.

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