2023.06.28 13:52 GMT+8

Watch: Summer Davos 2023 - China, a boost to the world economy

Updated 2023.06.28 13:52 GMT+8

The 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, wraps up on June 29. The world is facing significant downward pressure as the International Monetary Fund predicts the world economy will only see growth of 2.8 percent this year, a drop from 3.4 percent last year. In entering a situation of low growth globally, how can we take advantage of Summer Davos 2023 to find solutions for common challenges? Where are the new horizons for economic growth? How is China a significant player in the world economy?   

CGTN's Guan Xin sat down with Younes Sekkouri, the Moroccan minister for economic inclusion, small business, employment and skills, Mirek Dusek, managing director of the World Economic Forum, and Benedikt Sobotka, CEO of Eurasian Resources Group, to discuss how China and the world can achieve sustainable economic growth.

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