2023.06.30 23:16 GMT+8

Peng Liyuan warms hearts in Africa

Updated 2023.07.01 11:38 GMT+8

On May 19, 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan received a letter from the children of the Bangui Children's Welfare Center in Central Africa. In the letter, the children expressed their sincere gratitude for the support they had received from China and expressed hope that, with the help of China, children all over the world can grow up happily under the sun.

Ahead of International Children's Day this year, Peng Liyuan and the Organization of African First Ladies for Development jointly initiated the "Warm Children's Hearts: a China-Africa Joint Action" event to improve the health of African orphans.

Over the years, Peng Liyuan has shown great concern and support for African children, especially African orphans.

She has said China is Africa's eternal friend and sincere partner. It is hoped that the "Warm Hearts" event can help improve the health and well-being of African children, and contribute to the building of a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era.

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