Chinese defense chief meets with Russian navy head in Beijing
Updated 16:14, 03-Jul-2023

Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu met with Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov, the commander-in-chief of Russia's navy, in Beijing on Monday. 

Li told Yevmenov that China is ready to work with the Russian side to implement the important consensus of the two heads of state and continuously enrich the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era.

The Chinese defense minister said that with the joint efforts of both sides, relations between the two militaries will keep growing in both depth and substance, continue to make new progress and step up to a new level.

Li also voiced the hope that the two countries' navies will strengthen communication at all levels, and organize joint exercises and patrols on a regular basis.

He urged the two sides to expand practical cooperation in specialized fields and make positive contributions to maintaining peace and stability in the region and the world.

Yevmenov, for his part, said that the Russian side attaches great importance to strengthening pragmatic cooperation between the Russian and Chinese militaries in various fields.

He also vowed to expand exchanges between the two navies at all levels and continuously push the relationship between the two militaries to new heights.

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