The Qiaoxi historical and cultural tourism and leisure block is located on the banks of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. It is listed as one of China's national-level tourism and leisure blocks due to its historical and cultural value.
A night view of Gongchen Bridge, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province /CFP
"Qiaoxi" means the west side of a bridge in Chinese. The name of the block derives from the famous Gongchen Bridge due to its location on the west side of the bridge. Gongchen Bridge was built at the most southerly point of the Grand Canal in 1631. The 98-meter-long and 26-meter-tall bridge is the longest and tallest in the city.
The Qiaoxi area became a prosperous market for local commercial trade and communication thanks to its geographical advantage. It reached its heyday during the Yuan and Ming dynasties when it was known as "Beiguan Night Market," when it was one of the most popular and busiest commercial markets in the region.
People visit Beiguan Night Market, Hangzhou Ciy, Zhejiang Province. /CFP
Nowadays, the Qiaoxi historical and cultural block continues to capture the public's imagination with its blend of ancient relics, modern buildings and diverse range of entertainment venues. Lengthy renovation work saw these ancient buildings restored to their former glory where they retain their traditional Chinese architectural styles to this day. A series of conservation measures was also established to protect the Grand Canal area. Reopening in 2010, the main pedestrian and commercial street of the block extends for 2,880 meters and features many shops, restaurants, bars and cafes, as well as many intangible cultural heritage workshops, museums and other cultural facilities.
The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Museum is one of highlights of the block. The museum continues to stun visitors with its rich collection of historical relics and documents related to the Grand Canal, while its fine contemporary design and digital installations offer visitors the opportunity to learn about the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in greater depth. The Hangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum, the China Knives and Scissors and Swords Museum, the China Umbrella Museum, and the China Fan Museum are also housed in the block, offering an insight into local culture, history, handicrafts and arts.
Umbrella artworks are displayed at the China Umbrella Museum, Hangzhou Ciy, Zhejiang Province. /CFP
What's more, visitors can take a boat trip to appreciate the extraordinary scenery along the river. Not to mention, many festivals and cultural events are often held there, featuring folk performances and a range of other activities.