Kazakh youths: BRI as a 'path of happiness' for the whole world

Chinese President Xi Jinping called for collective efforts to broaden the Belt and Road as a "path of happiness" benefiting the whole world at the recent virtual Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit. During a roundtable hosted by CGTN's Enoch Wong, youths from Kazakhstan, which just assumed the SCO chairmanship until July 2024, reflected and discussed the potential of enhancing the connection of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. Rafael Bekshentayev emphasized the importance of seizing the opportunity offered by the BRI, discussing the benefits of further promoting trade facilitation and investment liberalization, speeding up the development of regional and international logistic corridors, and ensuring the stable and smooth functioning of regional industrial and supply chains. Botakoz Yelshibek added to this, underscoring the role of young people as bridges between cultures and enablers of progress. They highlighted the significance of increased people-to-people exchanges as well as the economic and cultural prosperity that can emerge from these collaborations, thus creating a "path of happiness" for the Central Asian region and the whole world.

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