2023.07.06 16:46 GMT+8

Three streets shape historical and cultural face of Huzhou

Updated 2023.07.06 16:46 GMT+8

Located in east China's Zhejiang, the downtown area of Huzhou City, a historical and cultural block listed as one of China's national-level tourism and leisure blocks, consists of three ancient streets – Xiaoxi Street, Yishang Street and Zhuangyuan Street.

An aerial photo shows the panorama of the ancient block in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. /CFP

The three streets represent the cradle of local business and culture. The block reached its heyday during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), when it served as the business center for the city, attracting many merchants and residents to set up shop there. A series of ancient buildings featuring Qing Dynasty architectural style have been preserved in this network of streets, which are home to 120 relics, 357 stores and a variety of entertainment venues.

A glimpse of the traditional Chinese architecture in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province /CFP

Xiaoxi Street is the epitome of the city's hundreds of years of history. The original appearance of the ancient street covering 20,000 square meters has been preserved. Local traditional urban design continues to serve residents, featuring over 10 small alleys extending out in every direction offering a convenient transport network. A series of ancient buildings offer a glimpse of ancient China.

Yishang Street dates back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420) and houses several historical relics, such as the former residence of the Eastern Jin Dynasty politician Xie An. "Yishang" means "clothes" in Chinese. The name of the street derives from the many time-honored Chinese branded clothing stores that opened on the street. Yishang Street proved to be the commercial heart of the block, which was then a key transportation hub, a center of trade and the venue for the imperial examination.

A photo shows a street corner on Yishang Street in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. /CFP

Zhuangyuan Street has the only preserved architectural relics from Zhuangyuan Hall, housing a number of relics and documents related to the imperial examination in ancient China. The imperial examination was an examination system designed for the purpose of selecting officials.

This block has retained its original appearance after renovation work while integrating modern business elements, from fashionable stores to cultural workshops, which lend a dynamic vibe to the old place. Many cultural events, fashion shows, live shows and festivals are often held there, attracting the younger generations.

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