2023.07.10 10:35 GMT+8

Netanyahu: Israel to take steps to prevent collapse of Palestinian Authority

Updated 2023.07.10 10:35 GMT+8

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives for a briefing near the Salem military post between Israel and the West Bank, July 4, 2023. /CFP

Israel's Security Cabinet decided on Sunday that Israel will take steps to prevent the collapse of the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said in a statement.

According to the statement, Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant will submit to the Security Cabinet steps "to stabilize the civil situation" in the West Bank.

Israel will also demand the Palestinian Authority cease its efforts to push for an investigation by the International Criminal Court into alleged Israeli war crimes, and stop payments to the families of Palestinian prisoners jailed for attacks against Israelis, the prime minister's office said.

Two Palestinians were killed on Friday in clashes with Israeli soldiers in northern West Bank, Palestinian authorities and eyewitnesses said.

Fierce clashes broke out when dozens of Palestinians hurled stones at Israeli troops who stormed Nablus and surrounded a house for a manhunt, during which some Palestinian gunmen opened fire at the soldiers, and the latter fired back, according to Palestinian security sources and eyewitnesses.

Despite international criticism, Israel seized the West Bank, along with East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, in the 1967 Middle East war and has maintained control over these territories, where the Palestinians wish to establish their future state. 

(With input from Xinhua)

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