Netanyahu says he feels excellent, will be in parliament on Monday
Updated 21:29, 23-Jul-2023
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs a cabinet meeting at the prime minister's office in Jerusalem, July 17, 2023. /Reuters
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs a cabinet meeting at the prime minister's office in Jerusalem, July 17, 2023. /Reuters

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs a cabinet meeting at the prime minister's office in Jerusalem, July 17, 2023. /Reuters

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that he was "in excellent health" after getting fitted with a pacemaker in hospital and planned to be in parliament in time for a ratification vote on a key judicial reform.

"We are pursuing efforts to complete the legislation, as well as efforts to do this through consensus, but in any event I want you to know that tomorrow morning I'll be joining my colleagues in the Knesset," he said in a video statement released on Sunday.

Netanyahu had a pacemaker fitted early on Sunday morning, according to his doctors, amid massive demonstrations nationwide against his controversial judicial overhaul plan.

The pacemaker procedure went smoothly and Netanyahu was expected to be discharged later on Sunday, his office said, however Israeli media reported he may stay an extra night in the hospital per doctors' recommendation. 

The prime minister's office said earlier on Sunday that his planned trips to Cyprus and Türkiye next week had been postponed and it would provide an update if there were new details.

(With input from Reuters)

Source(s): Reuters

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