2023.07.24 22:21 GMT+8

Wang Yi: Internet is not a 'new battleground' for digital iron curtain

Updated 2023.07.24 22:21 GMT+8

The core concept of the internet is openness, and the network is not a "new battleground" for the digital iron curtain, said Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, made the comments during a meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa, on Monday.

He made it clear that China stands against any kind of tech or cyber hegemony.

Meanwhile, he also called for more communication and a clearer direction for cooperation among the BRICS countries. He also said cyberspace should be fair, open, safe and vibrant.

The safety of cyberspace is highly valued in China, Wang stressed, adding that China is willing to improve communication and cooperation with all developing countries and emerging markets and push forward global internet governance.

It was agreed at the meeting that the network safety issue is becoming more and more important, and the international community should work together to reduce the digital gap and improve the involvement of developing countries in global network governance.

A consensus was reached that the BRICS countries and the "Friends of BRICS" should cooperate to build a beneficial, inclusive and safe cyberspace to realize development for all.

(Cover via CFP.)

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