Live: Is Western media hyping deflation and the collapse of China's economy?
Live: Is Western media hyping deflation and the collapse of China's economy?

While the Western media is putting China's latest statistics under scrutiny and revels in every bit of data that can be used to substantiate claims of a coming "collapse," the main indicators of economic health have been ignored. Join us this week on Headline Buster for a more holistic look at China's economy and find out how the Western media is bandying about the deflation and recession narrative.

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Live: Is Western media hyping deflation and the collapse of China's economy?

While the Western media is putting China's latest statistics under scrutiny and revels in every bit of data that can be used to substantiate claims of a coming "collapse," the main indicators of economic health have been ignored. Join us this week on Headline Buster for a more holistic look at China's economy and find out how the Western media is bandying about the deflation and recession narrative.