The Kribi Deep Seaport in Cameroon: A key driver of the country's economic takeoff

The Kribi Deep Seaport project, in the construction and operation of which a Chinese company participated, is a key project in Cameroon. While building the port, public care was also taken to contribute to the relocation of local populations as well as the employment and work training of the local youth. The completion and operation of the port promoted the economic development of Kribi and even Cameroon. With the commissioning of the port, the development projects of the road, the electricity and the aerial network, as well as other projects in the surrounding areas of the port, have also greatly increased the related demands and stimulated regional development. Xu Huajiang, general manager of the Central Africa Division at China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd (CHEC), who oversaw the construction of the first phase of the port, let us know more about the port.

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