2023.08.01 16:26 GMT+8

Stunning coastal views combine with romantic vibe in Hainan

Updated 2023.08.01 16:26 GMT+8

Built in 2005, Hongzhou Wharf Tourism and Leisure Block is located on a small peninsula at the intersection of two branches of the Sanya River in Sanya City, Hainan Province. Surrounded by water, near several famous scenic spots, the block takes advantage of its tropical environment and favorable geographical location to form a unique tourist destination.

A panoramic view of Hongzhou Wharf Tourism and Leisure Block in Sanya City, Hainan Province /CFP

Sanya's amazing coastal views attract tens of thousands of visitors to spend their holidays there. Located in Jiyang district, Hongzhou Wharf has the ideal climate and abundant natural resources to develop into the perfect tourist destination thanks to a series of completed tourism infrastructure projects. It was listed as one of China's national-level tourism and leisure blocks in 2023.

With Sanya River as the center, Hongzhou Wharf Tourism and Leisure Block was established as a leisure resort for year-round yachting tourism, fashionable shopping malls, restaurants, bars and many other forms of entertainment to cater to visitors. What's more, Sanya is a major duty-free center.

Many yachting festivals, food festivals, water sports competitions and other cultural events are often held there. Among these highlights of the block, yacht tours are the most popular activity. Tourists can travel on yachts at any time of the day to bask in the fascinating coastal scenery.

Visitors take a yacht tour at the Hongzhou Wharf Tourism and Leisure Block in Sanya City, Hainan Province. /CFP

In addition, the local night market is another place that visitors can't afford to miss. Various delicacies, exquisite crafts, tropical fruit and local specialties are just a few of the many interesting things that can be picked up at the illuminated market. The colorful night views especially add to the romantic atmosphere there.

From its blue skies, bright sunlight and breezy tropical climate, to its beautiful coastal scenery and local delicacies – they all attract beachgoers to relish the vitality of Hainan.

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