2023.08.09 09:51 GMT+8

China launches new satellite for disaster monitoring

Updated 2023.08.10 09:05 GMT+8

China launched a new satellite for disaster monitoring on Wednesday. 

The HJ-2 06 satellite was lifted into the preset orbit by a Long March-2C rocket, which blasted off at 6:53 a.m. from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China's Shanxi Province. 

The newly launched satellite has the same configuration as the currently in-orbit HJ-2 05 satellite, which has two image modes – 5-meter spatial resolution and 25-meter spatial resolution. 

The satellite will be used for disaster monitoring such as floods, typhoons, and landslides, and provide data support for emergency management, ecological environment, natural resources, water conservancy, agriculture and other industries. 

The mission marked the 482nd flight of the Long March carrier rockets.

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