2023.08.10 14:14 GMT+8

China's commercial rocket launches seven satellites

Updated 2023.08.10 22:24 GMT+8

A Chinese commercial launch company on Thursday sent seven satellites into orbit from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China.

The CERES-1 Y7 carrier rocket, developed by the Beijing-based high-tech company Galactic Energy, blasted off at 12:03 p.m. Beijing Time from the launch site. The satellites on the rockets will be used in different fields such as earth observation and telecommunication services.

The launch was the seventh flight mission of the CERES-1 rocket series. 

By far the CERES-1 carrier rocket has provided commercial satellite services for 15 customers and sent 28 commercial satellites into orbit.

Chinese commercial launch company Galactic Energy sends seven satellites into orbit with its CERES-1 Y7 rocket from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, August 10, 2023. /China Media Group

First satellite with AI payload

Thursday's launch also marked a momentous event as WJ-1A, or WonderJourney-1A, China's first satellite featuring an artificial intelligence payload at its core, successfully catapults into space and enters orbit.

Engineered by the Chinese private enterprise Star Vision, WJ-1A sits at the vanguard of the constellation of Wonder Journey satellites and is distinguished by its integration of artificial intelligence.

A demonstration photo of the WJ-1A satellite. /Star Vision

Capitalizing on the constellation's global coverage, Star Vision aims to quickly renew the global dataset, conduct real-time data analysis and processing in orbit, and furnish on-demand information in an economic manner.

With its multifaceted capabilities, the satellite assumes a pivotal role in an array of applications ranging from disaster alleviation and water resource management to agriculture, forestry and oceanic exploration.

(CGTN's Wu Lei and Lu Lidan contributed to the story.)

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