2023.08.12 10:34 GMT+8

Asian Elephant Sanctuary Episode 1: The gang of 16 - Asian elephants' 'breakaway'

Updated 2023.08.12 11:30 GMT+8

In southwest China's Yunnan Province, the extensive stretch of rainforest covers a rugged land with numerous streams. A variety of species cluster there and enjoy the rainforest's bounty. Among them is Asia's largest land animal – the Asian elephant.

With an adult tipping the scales at up to three tonnes, its enormous bulk has earned the Asian elephant the undisputed honor as the rainforest's flagship species.

Their life remained mostly elusive until 2021 when something unusual happened. What was it? Watch the first episode: Tracks in the Rainforest, to find out!

About 'Journeys in Nature': Asian Elephant Sanctuary Series

In 2021, 16 Asian elephants left their habitat and embarked on a journey northward. Their unusual trip puzzled millions of viewers on the internet. Eventually, after a 17-month odyssey, the herd returned to their home. To find out what sparked this magnificent trek and get closer to this fascinating species, CGTN Nature traveled to Yunnan Province and discovered some interesting stories about these big guys. Stay tuned for the new series: Asian Elephant Sanctuary!

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