2023.08.13 16:59 GMT+8

Baishuitai – Nature's artwork

Updated 2023.08.13 16:59 GMT+8

Baishuitai is a popular tourist spot in Shangri-la City, Yunnan Province. /CFP

Baishuitai is a popular tourist spot in Shangri-la City, Yunnan Province. /CFP

Baishuitai is a popular tourist spot in Shangri-la City, Yunnan Province. /CFP

Baishuitai is a popular tourist spot in Shangri-la City, Yunnan Province. /CFP

Nature shows off her beauty in a variety of ways and the White Water Terraces are just one of them. Known as Baishuitai in Chinese, it's one of the most attractive destinations in Shangri-la City, Yunnan Province. The white mineral deposits captured in the terraced pools formed by the calcium-rich waters emanating from the springs below create a magical and impressive natural phenomenon.

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