2023.08.15 17:37 GMT+8

Diverse cultures boost tourism in Qinghai

Updated 2023.08.15 17:37 GMT+8

Located in Haidong City, Qinghai Province, Ping'an Town, which is also known as Ping'anyi, was once an important station on the ancient Silk Road. To promote its rich history and culture, locals established the Ping'anyi and Hehuang Folk Culture Experience Block in the center of the town.

Tourists visit the ancient streets of the Ping'anyi and Hehuang Folk Culture Experience Block, Haidong City, Qinghai Province. /CFP

The town was built along the Yellow River, which is considered the "mother river" of the Chinese nation. For thousands of years, it has been the cradle of Chinese civilization, where the people living along its banks have nurtured an enduring culture that is both rich and vibrant.

Han, Hui, Tu and other ethnic groups have harmoniously coexisted there for centuries, where they formed the splendid Hehuang culture famed for its excellent traditional arts. Centered on its local history, culture, arts, crafts and delicacies, Ping'anyi and Hehuang Folk Culture Experience Block is a network of distinctive streets and shops. What's more, a range of cultural activities are often held there, demonstrating the charm of the Yellow River basin. The block was listed as one of China's national-level tourism and leisure blocks in 2023.

A local artisan explains how traditional sachets are made to visitors to the Ping'anyi and Hehuang Folk Culture Experience Block, Haidong City, Qinghai Province. /CFP

While some of the buildings in the block present ancient Chinese architectural styles, other structures feature the intricate architectural styles of the Tibetan and Hui people, demonstrating the town's wide diversity of cultures and its evolution over time.

An inheritor of Hehuang embroidery takes part in an embroidery competition in the Ping'anyi and Hehuang Folk Culture Experience Block, Haidong City, Qinghai Province. /CFP

A series of intangible cultural heritages are showcased in the block, such as Hehuang papercutting, the embroidery work of several different ethnic groups, colorful paintings and so on. Local artisans show and sell their handicrafts in the block, attracting visitors to learn more about the local culture.

A famous local tea house is one of the most popular leisure spots in the block, where visitors can appreciate instrumental folk music and drama performances while sampling fresh local tea drinks. Local ethnic traditional wedding ceremonies, rituals, art festivals and other cultural events also encourage visitors to join them.

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