China urges Japan to handle nuclear-contaminated water in responsible manner

China again urges Japan to handle its nuclear-contaminated water in a responsible manner and accept strict international supervision, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Thursday.

According to reports, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) recently confirmed that nuclear-contaminated water stored at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station has found leaks as a hose used to transfer nuclear-contaminated water ruptured.

In response to the issue at a daily press briefing, Wang said the legitimacy and safety of Japan's wastewater discharge plan has been questioned by the international community.

The leak has exacerbated the concerns of the international community about the incompetent management of the TEPCO and the ineffective supervision of the Japanese government, he said.

Since the accident, people in Fukushima have repeatedly said that the TEPCO's handling of the aftermath has been flawed, Wang said, adding that the company has been reported to conceal and tamper with data, which leads to questioning its ability to deal with nuclear-contaminated water.

"Can the TEPCO handle Fukushima's nuclear-contaminated water safely and responsibly? Can it ensure that its 30-year discharge management will not make mistakes? Can it ensure the long-term effectiveness and reliability of the purification device? Can nuclear-contaminated water sampling and monitoring activities be carried out in accordance with strict regulations?" he asked.

China again urges Japan to face up to the legitimate concerns of the international community and its own people, stop pushing for its discharge plan and communicate with neighboring countries with a sincere attitude, he added.

Read more:

Leaks found in hose to transfer Fukushima nuclear-contaminated wastewater

Concerns rage as Japan moves closer to nuclear-contaminated water discharge

(Cover: A spokesperson of the TEPCO speaks during an interview during a tour of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in Futaba, Japan, July 14, 2023. /CFP)

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