2023.08.19 17:28 GMT+8

Giant waterlilies reach best viewing period in Xi'an

Updated 2023.08.19 17:28 GMT+8

A photo taken on August 8, 2023, shows a child seated on the leaf of a giant waterlily in a botanical garden in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. /IC

A photo taken on August 8, 2023, shows a child lies on the leaf of a giant waterlily in a botanical garden in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. /IC

A photo taken on August 8, 2023, shows a child stands on the leaf of a giant waterlily in a botanical garden in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. /IC

A photo taken on August 8, 2023, shows tourists appreciating giant waterlilies in a botanical garden in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. /IC

The giant waterlily has recently entered its best viewing period at a botanical garden in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, attracting many residents and tourists.

The big floating plant is often called the "Strongman of the Water," as its leaf undersides are covered with strong radial veins extending from the center to the periphery. These veins contain highly developed air-conducting tissues, which store a significant amount of air. This allows each leaf to float on the water surface and support the weight of several tens of kilograms.

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