China's longest expressway shield tunnel drilled through in Beijing
China drilled a tunnel through for expressway transport in Beijing by using a shield-tunneling method, August 21. /CFP
China drilled a tunnel through for expressway transport in Beijing by using a shield-tunneling method, August 21. /CFP

China drilled a tunnel through for expressway transport in Beijing by using a shield-tunneling method, August 21. /CFP

China drilled a tunnel through for an expressway in Beijing on Monday, making it the longest expressway tunnel in the country created using the shield-tunneling method.

This is a trenchless technique where a shield is used to cut through the earth to create a bore while providing cover during excavation of soil. The one used in this project is the biggest in diameter developed by China.

With a total length of 7.4 kilometers, the tunnel project is designed to have a two-way six-lane expressway on the middle level, smoke vent on the upper level and evacuation and rescue routes on the lower level, according to the Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co., Ltd., which is implementing the project.

The tunnel is part of Beijing's east sixth ring road project. The deepest section of the tunnel, which is 75 meters underground, is the deepest underground tunnel in Beijing.

In June, the west tunnel of the project was drilled through. The east tunnel was just drilled through on Monday.

With an excavation diameter of 16.07 meters and a length of about 145 meters, the 4,500-tonne shield-tunneling machine adopted in the project is independently designed and made by Chinese enterprises.

The tunnel project has helped make way for more space on the ground for promoting industrial development and planning large parks, contributing to the development of Beijing's sub-center Tongzhou District and coordinated transport development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. 

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency

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