2023.08.21 22:49 GMT+8

Chinese premier urges sincerity from U.S. to resolve difficulties in bilateral ties

Updated 2023.08.21 22:49 GMT+8

Chinese Premier Li Qiang holds talks with Marc Casper, board chair of the U.S.-China Business Council, in Beijing, China, August 21, 2023. /Xinhua

Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Monday urged the United States to show sincerity to resolve difficulties in bilateral relations and economic and trade cooperation.

Li made the remarks during a meeting with a delegation of the U.S.-China Business Council (USCBC) during a visit to Beijing in marking its 50th anniversary.

China and the U.S., as the largest developing country and developed country in the world respectively, are far more complementary than competitive economically, Li told Marc Casper, board chair of the USCBC.

The economic relationship between the two countries is of mutual benefit and win-win in nature, and the economies are deeply integrated, said the Chinese premier.

It is in the interests of both sides to safeguard the economic and trade cooperation and preserve economic relations between the two countries, he added.

Noting that China-U.S. relations and economic and cooperation are facing some difficulties, Li said both sides should show sincerity, meet each other halfway and make concerted efforts.

"China's door will never be closed. It will only open still wider," he said, adding that China is ready to work with the U.S. to safeguard the international trading rules and ensure the stability of the global industrial and supply chains.

According to Casper and the delegation he led, the USCBC supports the development of healthy and stable U.S.-China relations and economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

The Chinese market is of great importance for American businesses to improve their competitiveness, they noted.

They added that the USCBC welcomes the Chinese government's sending of signals on deepening reform and opening-up, and hopes that U.S.-China relations can see further development so as to bring greater certainty to the two countries' businesses.

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