Live: Enjoy a summer night in the ancient city of Kashi
Updated 21:11, 21-Aug-2023
Live: Enjoy a summer night in the ancient city of Kashi

Kashi is one of the westernmost cities in China. Located in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, it held strategic importance as a city on the Ancient Silk Road connecting China, the Middle East and Europe for over 2,000 years. Today, it remains a center of trade and commerce in the region. 

The Khan Bazaar night market, a renowned food street and tourist destination in Kashi, has recently undergone upgrades and renovations through rental investments. CGTN reporter Cao Chufeng and Tanzanian online influencer Diya visit the upgraded Khan Bazaar, where they sample special Xinjiang delicacies and experience the vibrant local culture.

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Live: Enjoy a summer night in the ancient city of Kashi
Updated 21:11, 21-Aug-2023

Kashi is one of the westernmost cities in China. Located in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, it held strategic importance as a city on the Ancient Silk Road connecting China, the Middle East and Europe for over 2,000 years. Today, it remains a center of trade and commerce in the region. 

The Khan Bazaar night market, a renowned food street and tourist destination in Kashi, has recently undergone upgrades and renovations through rental investments. CGTN reporter Cao Chufeng and Tanzanian online influencer Diya visit the upgraded Khan Bazaar, where they sample special Xinjiang delicacies and experience the vibrant local culture.