2023.08.21 22:41 GMT+8

Japanese nuclear wastewater dealing decision ignores people and conceals facts: Association Representative

Updated 2023.08.21 22:41 GMT+8

"It is just a political judgment made by the government and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) by ignoring the people and concealing the facts," said Yoshitaka Ikarashi, representative of Japan-China common market promotion association during an interview with China Media Group.

Yoshitaka has been staying in Fukushima and is engaged in relevant volunteer activities aimed to help rebuild Fukushima since an earthquake hit Japan on March 11, 2011.

He added that local residents in Fukushima didn't participate in any decisions made by the Japanese government about the nuclear-contaminated water handling, and people don't know the whole decision-making process or if it's safe either.

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