Chinese premier stresses importance of faster development of digital economy
Chinese Premier Li Qiang presides over a State Council study session on facilitating the development of digital economy in Beijing, China, August 21, 2023. /Xinhua
Chinese Premier Li Qiang presides over a State Council study session on facilitating the development of digital economy in Beijing, China, August 21, 2023. /Xinhua

Chinese Premier Li Qiang presides over a State Council study session on facilitating the development of digital economy in Beijing, China, August 21, 2023. /Xinhua

Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Monday stressed the importance of strengthening and expanding the country's digital economy to bolster economic recovery and empower high-quality development.

China's digital economy enjoys broad development space thanks to the country's massive market, abundant data resources, and rich application scenarios, Li said at a State Council study session held Monday afternoon on facilitating the deep integration of digital technologies and the real economy.

Li said concerted efforts should be made to promote independent innovation to seek breakthroughs in key core technologies, while core industries in the digital economy should improve.

Li also called for a comprehensive and across-industrial-chain transformation of traditional sectors like manufacturing, services, and agriculture, and construction of more digital infrastructure in advance.

He pointed out that developing the digital economy entails a conducive environment, adding that an inclusive and prudent approach should be taken when regulating the sector.

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency

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