CGTN poll: BRICS expected to help reshape international order, make global governance fairer
Updated 10:09, 26-Aug-2023
A view near the venue of the 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, August 21, 2023. /Xinhua
A view near the venue of the 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, August 21, 2023. /Xinhua

A view near the venue of the 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, August 21, 2023. /Xinhua

The high-profile 15th BRICS Summit came to an end on Thursday under the watchful eyes of the global media. 

The first offline meeting of the leaders of major emerging economies after the COVID-19 pandemic has set a new starting point for high-level cooperation among BRICS countries. Chinese President Xi Jinping said that "BRICS, a force for initiative, stability, and kindness, will prosper despite any opposition."

More than 80 percent of respondents to a CGTN poll expect the BRICS cooperation mechanism will make outstanding contributions to building a brand new international order. More than 90 percent expect it to inject strong impetus into the sluggishly recovering world economy.


The world has entered a new period of turbulence and transformation. It is undergoing major shifts, division and regrouping, leading to more uncertain, unstable and unpredictable developments. Seeking development and cooperation is a common expectation for developing countries. 

Xi pointed out that "BRICS countries share extensive consensus and common goals. No matter how the international situation changes, our commitment to cooperation since the very beginning and our common aspiration will not change." With the BRICS spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, BRICS cooperation has achieved fruitful results.

Over the past two decades, emerging economies and developing countries have contributed up to 80 percent of global economic growth. Their global GDP share increased from 24 percent to over 40 percent in the last four decades. After over a decade of development, the BRICS model has deepened and expanded, setting a prime example of South-South cooperation and seeking strength through unity among emerging markets and developing countries. 

In the survey, as many as 93.7 percent of respondents from developing countries strongly agreed with the BRICS spirit and expected it to increase the representation and voice of developing countries. Another 84.7 percent of global respondents agreed that as globalization faces challenges, it is even more important for countries to adhere to multilateral cooperation and work together to ensure the global economy's stability. 


After 12 years, the BRICS cooperation mechanism has been expanded again. Six countries, namely Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have been invited to join the group.

Development is an inalienable right of all countries, not a privilege reserved for a few. A fairer global environment and the legitimate demand for improvement that will not be neglected are the most simple and urgent aspirations of most developing countries. People "vote with their feet" for BRICS in order to achieve better development.

The expansion is an important consensus reached by the five BRICS countries. Xi said that the BRICS expansion is historic and a new starting point for BRICS cooperation. It meets the expectations of the international community and serves the common interests of emerging markets and developing countries. He added that the expansion will also inject fresh vitality into the BRICS cooperation mechanism and further strengthen the forces for world peace and development.

Nearly 94.6 percent of respondents believe that the expansion of BRICS has fully demonstrated its inclusiveness, flexibility and pragmatism as a multilateral cooperation mechanism. Another 81.6 percent of respondents urged countries to work together to create a global, open and fair environment so that emerging economies and developing countries can share the benefits of growth.


"We always address major international issues based on their merits, making fair remarks and taking fair actions. We do not barter away principles, succumb to external pressure, or act as vassals of others," said Xi at the summit. This is a true reflection of the BRICS countries' independence. Xi described the BRICS countries as "an important force in shaping the international landscape."

To address global challenges, global governance must be strengthened, which requires a more representative and equitable order. Xi stressed that international rules must be written and upheld jointly by all countries based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, rather than dictated by those with the strongest muscles or the loudest voice. Ganging up to form exclusive groups and packaging their own rules as international norms are even more unacceptable, he added. 

About 80.8 percent of global respondents highly agreed with this, calling on all countries to adhere to equal treatment and mutual benefits. There should be a united front against hegemony, power politics and arbitrary sanctions imposed on other countries. 

Meanwhile, some 77.7 percent of respondents believe that the Cold War mentality and power politics are threatening global security and have become a major challenge to world peace. A total of 82.9 percent of the respondents strongly expect that the BRICS cooperation mechanism will play a greater role in building a new type of international order. The expectation is that BRICS will help reform global governance to make it more just and equitable and bring to the world more certainty, stability and positive energy.

The data above comes from two global polls released by CGTN. More than 50,000 respondents voted and expressed their opinions.

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