2023.09.06 22:16 GMT+8

Chinese premier says opposing new Cold War essential

Updated 2023.09.06 22:16 GMT+8

Chinese Premier Li Qiang said on Wednesday that it is essential to oppose a new Cold War and make sure disputes are properly handled among countries.

"While we remain steadfast in seeking common ground based on the commonalities, we shall have nothing to fear about the differences, and we will be able to find the right way to resolve them," Li said in his opening remarks addressing the 26th ASEAN Plus Three Summit.

"To keep differences under control, what is essential now is to oppose picking sides, oppose bloc confrontation, and oppose a new Cold War and to ensure that disagreements and disputes among countries are properly handled," Li said.

Disagreements and disputes may arise between countries due to misperceptions, diverging interests or external interferences, said the Chinese premier. Whatever the cause, it is vital to face the issue squarely, remove misunderstandings and keep the differences in check, he noted.

The most effective way to clear up misunderstandings is to strengthen exchanges and increase mutual understanding and trust through sincere communication, said the Chinese premier.

Facing up to the problems is a prerequisite for finding solutions, whereas an ostrich policy will only make things worse, he added.

(Cover: Chinese Premier Li Qiang speaks at the 26th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, in Jakarta, Indonesia, September 6, 2023. /CGTN)

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency
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