2023.09.06 14:35 GMT+8

Global interest in SMRs rises amid climate change pressure

Updated 2023.09.06 14:35 GMT+8

The inter-regional workshop on SMR technology development and application held in south China's Hainan Province, September 4, 2023.

Interest in small modular reactors (SMRs) is rising around the world as countries face increasing pressure to address climate change, nuclear experts said at an international workshop on SMRs held in south China's Hainan Province from Monday to Friday.

The five-day event, co-hosted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA), has attracted over 200 government officials, experts and scholars from the IAEA as well as over 50 countries and regions across the world. The participants had in-depth exchanges on the development of SMRs as well as user demands and safety supervision.

Generally, the term "small modular reactor" refers to a nuclear reactor with a nominal power capacity of less than 300 megawatt electrical (MWe). It is small enough to be made at a factory and transported with multiple identical units to a plant for installation and operation.

As a model of innovation in nuclear energy, it has wide applications, such as electricity generation, seawater desalination, urban heating, industrial steam supply and hydrogen production. It also has flexible deployment, environmental friendliness and high safety.

Liu Hua, deputy director general and head of the Department of Technical Cooperation of the IAEA.

SMRs will play a crucial role in promoting global energy transition and addressing climate change, Liu Hua, deputy director general and head of the Department of Technical Cooperation of the IAEA, said in his opening remarks on Monday.

On behalf of the IAEA, Liu spoke highly of China's achievements in the development and application of the SMRs technology.

Liu Jing, vice chairman of the CAEA.

Against the backdrop of global climate change, the technology has become one of the key directions for a new round of nuclear energy technology transformation and industrial development, said Liu Jing, vice chairman of the CAEA.

China has always been committed to the safe and orderly development of nuclear energy, vigorously promoting the technological innovation in the sector, Liu said, adding that the country has acted as a pioneer and trailblazer in the development and deployment of SMRs.

China is willing to share its experiences and strengthen exchange and cooperation with the international community to jointly promote the development and application of advanced nuclear energy technology represented by SMRs and provide more clean energy solutions to address climate change, he said.

Facing the opportunities and challenges in global nuclear energy development, Liu called on the global nuclear energy industry to uphold the principle of safety first, work together to create a fair development environment, and jointly build a development pattern featuring collaborative innovation to better benefit the economic development and well-being of all countries.

(All photos via the China National Nuclear Corporation)

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