CIFTIS project promotes China-Pakistan enterprise sci-tech cooperation
Indoor exhibition area of CIFTIS at the China National Convention Center in Beijing, August 29, 2023. /CGTN
Indoor exhibition area of CIFTIS at the China National Convention Center in Beijing, August 29, 2023. /CGTN

Indoor exhibition area of CIFTIS at the China National Convention Center in Beijing, August 29, 2023. /CGTN

A project to enhance science and technology innovation cooperation between Chinese and Pakistani enterprises was launched on Tuesday at the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS). 

The China-Pakistan Double Hundred Enterprises Cooperation Project will select 100 enterprises in each country, providing comprehensive services for their development in the other country, according to Zhang Xiaodong, director of the Zhongguancun Belt and Road Industrial Promotion Association.

The project aims to promote China-Pakistan science and technology innovation cooperation and the coordinated development of enterprises in the two countries within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.

It includes corporate training, strategic consultation, policy interpretation, personnel services, legal services, international exchanges and cooperation services, and investment and financing services.

The project was initiated by government departments, institutions and enterprises in the two countries, including the Zhongguancun association and the Embassy of Pakistan in China.

The 2023 CIFTIS, themed "openness leads development, cooperation creates a win-win future," took place in China's capital Beijing from September 2 to 6.

As the world's sole state-level and comprehensive fair with international reach dedicated to trade in services, the event attracted more than 2,400 enterprises to participate in its offline exhibition, including over 500 global top 500 and industry-leading companies.

The exhibitors were from 59 countries and regions as well as 24 international organizations.

(With input from Xinhua)

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