Tech & Sci
2023.09.08 11:00 GMT+8

10 African teenagers' paintings displayed in the China Space Station

Updated 2023.09.08 11:00 GMT+8
By Wu Lei, Lu Lidan

The photo displays the painting that won the Tianhe Award in the "My Dream" Painting Competition for African Youth by Hajir Hamdash from Algeria. The artwork is titled "Let me tell you a riddle and get you into the space" and draws inspiration from the Algerian traditional puzzle game "Hajitik Majitk," suggesting that space travel is as mysterious as solving a puzzle. It also shows influence from Van Gogh's "Starry Night."

The painting titled "The Potential" by Espoir Mukerwa Alvin from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The painting depicts a scene with a taikonaut and an African astronaut joining hands on the moon's surface, symbolizing the strong cooperation between Africa and China. The artwork is titled "China is Africa's hope for space" and was created by Rawda Ahmed Ali Al Shawadfy Hassan Abdullah from Egypt.

The painting, titled "Together We Dream," is a creation by the young artist Natoa Rasolonjatovo from Madagascar.

The photo displays the artwork "Unification" by Moussa Dembélé from Mali. In this painting, two hands of different colors are seen using a needle and thread to sew together a colorful cloth, symbolizing the idea that peace and unity can mend differences and divisions.

The painting, titled "My Dream: Education for All," is the work of Ng Hing Cheung (Lisa Grace) from Mauritius. It carries a message that underscores the importance of education as the foundational means of transmitting civilization.

Prosper Sania Oshomame from Nigeria used a circle as the main element to convey harmony and friendship. In his painting "Shared Aspirations," he depicted the flags of China and Nigeria within this circle, symbolizing unity. African motifs and Chinese symbols are also incorporated into the artwork.

Kawkib Mahamud from Somalia created a painting titled "Peace," which prominently features a dove – the international symbol of the ideal.

Named "Harmony," the painting by Sinovuyo Mkula from South Africa bridges the concept of traditional Chinese medicine with modern science and space exploration. It also incorporates distinctive symbolic elements from South Africa.

In the painting titled "One of the Best Interior Architects in Africa," created by Hope Mafiko from Zimbabwe, there are extensive areas filled with warm green, red and yellow spots – colors closely associated with Africa. Mafiko seamlessly integrates design aesthetics inspired by African public spaces into the artwork.

For the very first time, the China Space Station is showcasing international paintings.

Young artists from 42 African countries submitted over 2,000 paintings for the "My Dream" Painting Competition for African Youth.

Co-hosted by the Secretariat of the Chinese Follow-up Committee of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and China Manned Space Agency, the competition is to inspire African youth to create paintings that reflect their dreams.

The top ten entries have earned the prestigious Tianhe Award, named after the core module of China's space station. The artworks were transported to the space station on the Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft in May, celebrating the artistic talents and dreams of African youth on a global stage.

Now, they grace the walls of the space station, setting the stage for an upcoming awards ceremony celebrating the painting competition, which is scheduled to take place in Beijing on September 13.

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