2023.09.08 15:46 GMT+8

China Media Group's opera channel launches new programs

Updated 2023.09.08 15:46 GMT+8

China Media Group announced the launch of new opera content at the opening ceremony of its first conference targeted at young Peking Opera performers that was held on September 8, 2023 in Beijing.

The group's opera channel announced during the ceremony that its new key programs will be screened quarterly and other multimedia activities will be held during the upcoming National Day holiday.

Wang Xiaozhen, vice president of the China Media Group, speaks at the opening ceremony of the group's first conference aimed at young Peking Opera performers on September 8, 2023 in Beijing./CGTN

Wang Xiaozhen, vice president of the China Media Group, delivered a keynote speech at the ceremony. In his speech, Wang said that opera is the treasure of Chinese culture and embodies China's national spirit. In recent years, China Media Group has promoted traditional Chinese culture through the development of opera programs, and brought rich and colorful high-quality productions to its audiences.

Showing the brand-new looks of traditional Chinese operas in modern times, as well as the brilliance of Chinese culture and the magnificence of Chinese operas, all the programs will be available on China Media Group's 5G digital platform Yangshipin.

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