Asian Games mascot Chenchen bridges cultures and heritage
A photo taken on April 27, 2023 shows the mascot Chenchen making an appearance in Beijing at a media briefing for the 19th Asian Games. /IC
A photo taken on April 27, 2023 shows the mascot Chenchen making an appearance in Beijing at a media briefing for the 19th Asian Games. /IC

A photo taken on April 27, 2023 shows the mascot Chenchen making an appearance in Beijing at a media briefing for the 19th Asian Games. /IC

As Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province prepares to host the 19th Asian Games in 14 days, the event's three mascots – Congcong, Chenchen and Lianlian – are adding a touch of brightness to the east China city.

The mascots are a group of robots that embody a deep cultural heritage while being filled with contemporary vitality. They are collectively named "Jiangnan Yi," or "Memories of Jiangnan," which is inspired by a famous line from Tang Dynasty (618-907) poet Bai Juyi. "Recalling Jiangnan, my fondest memories are of Hangzhou," reads a translation of the line. These mascots blend historical and cultural richness, natural ecology, and the innovative spirit of Hangzhou.

The installations of the 19th Asian Games mascots Chenchen (left), Congcong (middle) and Lianlian (right) on a street in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. /CFP
The installations of the 19th Asian Games mascots Chenchen (left), Congcong (middle) and Lianlian (right) on a street in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. /CFP

The installations of the 19th Asian Games mascots Chenchen (left), Congcong (middle) and Lianlian (right) on a street in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. /CFP

The robot Chenchen symbolizes the Grand Canal, the world's longest man-made waterway, and gets its name from the iconic Gongchen Bridge, which has stood for over 400 years in the Hangzhou segment of the canal, holding cherished memories for generations.

Chenchen symbolically unites the Grand Canal, the Qiantang River, and distant lands across the seas. Its primary color is blue. On its head, it wears the Qiantang River's tides, and its forehead features the Gongchen Bridge, leaving plenty of room for creativity and imagination.

A photo taken on February 21, 2022 shows a light show with drones forming the shape of mascot Chenchen, marking the 200-day countdown to the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. /CFP
A photo taken on February 21, 2022 shows a light show with drones forming the shape of mascot Chenchen, marking the 200-day countdown to the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. /CFP

A photo taken on February 21, 2022 shows a light show with drones forming the shape of mascot Chenchen, marking the 200-day countdown to the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. /CFP

With qualities like courage, intelligence, optimism, and a pioneering spirit, Chenchen serves as a bridge connecting Asia to the global community.

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