Asian Games mascot Congcong demonstrates ancient wisdom

The three mascots of the 19th Asian Games - Congcong, Chenchen and Lianlian - have won the affection of many people since their debut. They are a group of robots presenting Hangzhou's rich heritage and dynamism of the host city.

The three mascots of the 19th Asian Games appear in the Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. /CFP
The three mascots of the 19th Asian Games appear in the Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. /CFP

The three mascots of the 19th Asian Games appear in the Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. /CFP

The three mascots welcome everyone to join in the event and convey the sporting spirit of the 19th Asian Games to the world. Among them, Congcong represents the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City, which is an outstanding example of an early urban civilization in late Neolithic Period.

Located in the Yangtze River Basin in Hangzhou, the 5,300-year-old Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu revealed the ancient urban planning, water conservation, rice cultivation and social hierarchy systems of the region. It was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2019.

An aerial photo shows the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. /CFP
An aerial photo shows the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. /CFP

An aerial photo shows the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. /CFP

The site is famous for its abundance of ceremonial jade, silk, ivory and lacquer artifacts that have been discovered in burial sites. The name of the mascot Congcong derives from the Cong jade pendant that was unearthed at the site. This jade relic features exquisitely carved patterns that showcase both the extraordinary craftsmanship of that period and the charm of the Liangzhu culture. 

A volunteer holds Congcong's hand, the mascot of the 19th Asian Games, as they take part in a parade in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. /CFP
A volunteer holds Congcong's hand, the mascot of the 19th Asian Games, as they take part in a parade in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. /CFP

A volunteer holds Congcong's hand, the mascot of the 19th Asian Games, as they take part in a parade in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. /CFP

Congcong takes yellow as its main tone, representing a bumper harvest. Since rice and grain turn yellow when they ripen in autumn, yellow has traditionally been a symbolic color for harvest in Chinese culture. Inspired by the facial expressions of ancient mythical creatures, some of the intricate patterns featured on Congcong's head reflect indomitable courage and a sense of unity with the world - a spirit the mascot aims to convey.

The mascots are eager to welcome athletes and visitors from all over the world to celebrate this grand occasion together and inspire people through their determination, sincerity and enthusiasm.

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