2023.09.12 12:35 GMT+8

Highland meadow in Sichuan emerging as a tourist destination

Updated 2023.09.12 12:35 GMT+8

Jiuhuandi, or “nine-ring land,” is a well-kept secret of Ganluo County in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, southwest China. It serves both as farmland and the location for local celebrations. Because of its altitude, it's easy to catch a glimpse of the snow-capped peaks in the surrounding mountains just by standing on its slopes. Since the people in the area used to live below the poverty line, Jiuhuandi's potential as a tourist destination was previously untapped. But with improvements in Ganluo's local economy, plans are now underway to turn this area of natural beauty into a place that both animals and visitors can enjoy.

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