Light show highlights Yugur heritage amid Gansu's Danxia
A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows a stage below the Danxia landforms during a performance of 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP
A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows a stage below the Danxia landforms during a performance of 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP

A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows a stage below the Danxia landforms during a performance of 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP

A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows a stage below the Danxia landforms during a performance of 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP
A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows a stage below the Danxia landforms during a performance of 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP

A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows a stage below the Danxia landforms during a performance of 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP

A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows performers in 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP
A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows performers in 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP

A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows performers in 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP

A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows visitors gazing at light projections on the Danxia landforms during a production of 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP
A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows visitors gazing at light projections on the Danxia landforms during a production of 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP

A photo taken on September 10, 2023, shows visitors gazing at light projections on the Danxia landforms during a production of 'Alan Lagda' in Zhangye, Gansu. /CFP

Colorful lights mingled with shades of rock faces at the Danxia Scenic Area in Zhangye, Gansu, while cultural performers and dancers added to the magic of the performance. The show "Alan Lagda" combines Yugur folk legends with the natural geological landscapes of Gansu. Having passed 200 performances, the show is set to continue to boost night tours of the Danxia while highlighting both the local culture and surrounding natural beauty. 

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