2023.09.14 10:56 GMT+8

What is mine is mine, what is yours is also mine

Updated 2023.09.14 10:56 GMT+8

Editor's note: The British Museum has announced that about 2,000 artifacts were stolen in late August. As it grapples with the aftermath of this festering theft scandal, there have been renewed demands for the institution to return the items it took from other nations. T-House's satirical animation features a hypothetical conversation between a British Museum curator, an Indian scholar, and a prominent Egyptian archaeologist. Did the Indian scholar and Egyptian archaeologist fufill their demands of getting back the articrafts? Have a look! The views expressed in the video are not necessarily those of CGTN.

Indian researcher: Namaste. Namaste.

British Museum: What can I do for you?

Indian researcher: What is that thing that your late Queen used to wear on her head?

British Museum: It's called a crown, my friend.

Indian researcher: And that big huge diamond in the middle is called?

British Museum: Beautiful?

Indian researcher: It's called the Kohinoor Diamond, and it belongs to India!!!

British Museum: No it does not.

Indian researcher: Yes it does!!!

British Museum: What is mine is mine. And what is yours, is also mine.

Indian researcher: Tell me my good sir. If an Indian researcher wants to do research on Maharaja Ranjit's golden throne, where should he go?

British Museum: Apply for a visa and come to the British Museum.

Indian: And a Mayan researcher doing research on Mayan artifacts?

British Museum: Come to the British Museum.

Indian researcher: Egyptian artifacts? Cambodian artifacts? Chinese artifacts?

British Museum: The British Museum.

Indian researcher: Can anyone tell me how ridiculous it is, that a Chinese researcher must go to the United Kingdom to do research on artifacts from China?

Dr. Zahi Hawas: We Egyptians have had to do that four years ago.

Indian researcher: Dr. Hawas!!! So good to see you!!!

Dr. Zahi Hawas: Salam, my friend. What gives the British the right to keep all our national heritage items?

British Museum: We are the best custodians for all items plundered from our colonies.

Dr. Zahi Hawas: REALLY??? And what about all the 2,000 items which went MISSING last month?

British Musuem: Clerical error.

Dr. Zahi Hawas: You gotta be kidding me!!!

Indian researcher: Not only did you people steal from China's Old Summer Palace, but you also burnt it to the ground.

British Musuem: Standard operating procedure, from the British Empire Manual. Article 1, Line 23.

Dr. Zahi Hawas: That is called No Manners!!! And by the way, we'd still like to have our Rosetta Stone back please.

Indian researcher: Oh, by the way, our Iranian friends are complaining that you Western fellas scream so much about human rights, but the fact of the matter is that you stole the 2000 year-old "Cyrus Cylinder," which is the world's first record of human rights.

British Museum: We are British. Of GREAT Britain.

Dr. Zahi Hawas: What's so GREAT about stealing?

Dr. Zahi Hawas and Indian researcher: Give it back. Give them back. Give them back.

Chrissie: Going once, twice, SOLD!!!

Dr. Zahi Hawas and Indian researcher: Who are you?

Chrissie: Chrissie. World famous auction house. No matter what you have, we can sell it for you. Oh, for us, to be more exact.

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